Beautiful skin at The Lemon Tree

inNorfolk | Beautiful skin at The Lemon TreeNow, you might remember that I previously posted about Pampers in Norwich and how I always go there for any beauty treatments? Well, I was bought some vouchers for The Lemon Tree over Christmas so I thought I would treat myself to a facial last weekend.

I had heard good things about the salon, so I was quite excited when my 60 minute dermologica facial rolled around. It had been a stressful week and I just need some time to do nothing. And I wasn’t disappointed.

After filling out a form about my general health and skin care concerns in reception, I was shown to a quiet little room at the back of the building and instructed to get onto the massage bed and get comfortable. The room was dimly lit and warm, with unobtrusive, relaxing music playing (I have to say that it annoys me sometimes, but that might just be because I’m irritable!) so I started to unwind right away.

The therapist then ran through roughly what was going to happen before proceeding to make my skin feel amazing. After removing traces of make-up, cleansing, exfoliating and layering on a face mask, my shoulders and neck were given an amazingly relaxing massage, followed by a gentle hand massage.

It must have been the quickest hour of my life. It flew by! I was so relaxed by the time it was finished, I actually felt a little bit drunk and spaced out. It was very strange.

It certainly is a treat for me – at £33.50, it isn’t something that I can afford to be doing regularly, but it was definitely worth it to help me unwind. They do a range of treatments though, including shorter facials, so I would recommend it!

Visit the website for the full treatment list.


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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