10 year Norfolk-iversary

Yep, that’s right, I’ve lived in Norwich for 10 years now. It’s a bit of a shocker, but I couldn’t be happier.

I first considered writing this post a week ago, but with all of the events of the last week, I decided I had to write it. That’s because I love Norfolk and I’m proud of where I live.

I couldn’t imagine moving back to East London now, even though my whole family had lived there for generations. It’s not just because of the riots, but because this is my home and I feel infinitely safer all the time.

I love the fact that there are so many historic buildings to visit, a diverse coastline, lots of cool independent shops and open spaces. But more than that, the people of Norfolk are far more approachable than I’ve ever met.

So this blog post is to thank the wonderful people of this fine city for being so welcoming and friendly – and for not rioting – I wouldn’t live anywhere else.

PS If you are in London and free to help, please visit @riotcleanup on Twitter – there were riots where I used to live and I think they might need help.


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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