Italian flavours at Sicilyvan

in Norfolk | Italian flavours at Sicilyvan
Devil pizza from Sicilyvan

When stuff gets shoved through my front door, it usually goes straight into the recycling bin without a second glance. But last week was different. Last week an advertiser in Norwich caught my eye.

Sicilyvan. Italian street food.

But that wasn’t what grabbed my attention.

It was the word ‘arancini’ that sucked me in.

For the uninitiated, arancini are little moments of heavenly naughtiness; risotto balls, stuffed with a variety of fillings – most commonly with bolognese sauce and mozzarella – and then deep fried. Honestly, if you’ve never had one, you should seek them out (or Sicilyvan – whichever comes first).

The flyer revealed they would be on Unthank Road on Tuesday and Thursday nights, so at our earliest opportunity, The Chap and I flew round the corner for Italian treats. Only to be told that we’d arrived too late for arancini. They had sold out.

The horror.

Thankfully we were told that next time we should call or text ahead and ask to reserve some and they’d happily do that – or make more. Seems like a fair deal to me.

Authentic Italian pizza

And although I was a little disappointed, I turned to the pizza menu and recovered immediately. We picked a Devil pizza (£7) without hesitation; topped with tomatoes, mozzarella, hot salami and olive oil, it had all the food groups we were looking for.

While we waited for the dough to be stretched, topped and fired, we chatted to the Italians running Sicilyvan about food and Italy, which left me longing to be back in la Bel Paese. It was a most pleasant five minutes, during which time my stomach started to growl, so we raced home the moment our precious meal was placed in our hands.

I will be honest, it didn’t even get out of the box. The smell was so good we needed to eat it immediately. We tucked in straight from the cardboard. And it didn’t disappoint.

The tomatoes were piquant and sweet, the salami earthy and spicy, while the mozzarella was creamy and stringy and…bellisima! The base was gorgeously crispy and charred too, just like you’d get in Italy.

If you’re looking for a quick and authentic takeaway pizza in Norwich, then Sicilyvan is for you.


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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