Perfect harmonies at Norwich Cathedral

When Norwich Cathedral got in touch a couple of weeks ago to offer me tickets to a live music event, I will admit that I wasn’t all that sure what to say. I’m not really into choral or classical music but didn’t want to turn the offer down because it was so kind.

Further discussions with the Cathedral, however, revealed that the tickets were to see vocal harmony trio, The Voxettes and my assumptions were unfounded. Now, anyone who knows me will know that I have a fondness for The Puppini Sisters and The Andrews Sisters (yes, I was clearly born in the wrong decade), so this was right up my alley.

So, on Friday, my friend and I put our glad rags on and headed out to The Refectory. We arrived just after 7pm and discovered that the event was sold out – which meant there was a great atmosphere. The bar was open and people were milling about, with a lively burble of chatter from lots of people of various ages.

Grabbing a glass of red wine, we posted ourselves near the front (all of the tables had been taken by the time we arrived!) and admired our surroundings. With bright lighting, it seemed like an unusual venue for music – but the table arrangements made everything feel really sociable and friendly. We ended up talking to some lovely people at the table behind us about singing groups in Norfolk and how rewarding it is to get involved. It really got me thinking about joining one, although nobody should ever hear me sing. I inherited my father’s abilities in that area!

Stunning performance

The Voxettes themselves were amazing. While they all had amazing voices, their harmonies made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. They put their own spin on everything from Carole King and Sam Cooke to Meghan Trainor, with either a capella versions or accompanied by a piano. Since the event, I’ve found them on SoundCloud and have been listening to them around the house.

The only downside to the event was that they weren’t with their usual pianist and they seemed to spend time guiding the replacement, which interrupted the flow a bit. There wasn’t much of a script worked out either, so there were a couple of slightly awkward moments while they got sorted between songs, but that could easily be resolved and didn’t affect the overall enjoyability of the performance.

I totally loved the evening and am going to keep my eyes open for local Voxette shows. I’m also going to get tickets for more live music nights at The Refectory. It was a very civilised, easy, fun way to kick off the weekend and would love to do it again.

in Norfolk | Perfect harmonies at Norwich Cathedral


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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