Norfolk Blogger Network

inNorfolk | Norfolk Blogger Network
Whitlingham Broad, Norwich


There are millions of them around the world, thousands of whom are based in Norwich and Norfolk.

They’re all writing about different subjects depending on their passions, social groups and lives, but they’re all linked by the county they live and work in; unfortunately it’s more than likely that they will never actually meet each other.

As one of these many bloggers, I met up with Sandeep at Chai Marketing to discuss remedying this discrepancy. While we talked it became clear that there would be so lots of benefits of bringing some of these diverse people together, because they could discuss their writing, their online activities and most importantly, socialise. Blogging is a form of social networking after all!

Operation Norfolk

Initially we set up a meeting with just a few other bloggers and discussed making it a regular meet-up. We then created a LinkedIn group and a Google+ community, so people can come together and chat online (if one of these gets more interest, then we will automatically revert to that one). If you’re a Norfolk blogger and want to find out more, join us and keep your eyes on the discussion boards for information about the next meet up.

We have also started to use the hashtag #VisitNorfolk on Twitter, to make it easier to search for local blogs and help to promote them.

Additionally, over the coming months I will be looking to feature guest bloggers on my site, so if you’re passionate about an aspect of life in Norfolk, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Speak to you soon!


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.


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