More shoes than Imelda Marcos

inNorfolk | More shoes than Imelda Marcos
Picture courtesy of Imelda Marcos

OK, so that might not strictly be true – she did own an inordinate number of shoes – but Imelda’s in Norwich does have rather a lot too.

For those that are easily confused, you might have thought that Imelda’s had shut down, but thankfully it’s just moved two or three doors down the road and located on the corner of St. Giles Street and Lower Goat Lane. It’s much larger than the previous site, which means they have even more shoes and accessories.

In fact, I’ve never seen so many Irregular Choice shoes in one place in Norwich. I am particularly taken with a teal pair that are so ridiculously impractical that I am trying to talk myself out of them!

From boots and shoes to flip flops and pumps, they have something in almost every colour. And because the shop is spaced out nicely there is plenty of room to try them on. The staff aren’t pushy either and are happy to let you browse without hassling you – something I really relish in my lunch-hour-meanderings…

There is also a selection of tights and accessories and jewellery dotted about the store, so you can really complete your look. It just really has a great selection of unusual, fun and fashionable shoes. I highly recommend a visit!


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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