Come fly with me: Norwich Airport

As some of you may have noticed, things have been rather quiet for me on the Twitter-front recently.

This has been for various reasons, but most notably because I have been out of the country and without internet access (it felt like I’d had an arm cut off!).

In fact, I have just spent two weeks in Turkey, enjoying the glorious sunshine and plentiful food (more of which on Wednesday).

The reason we chose Turkey was precisely because we could fly from Norwich International Airport. It’s so convenient; although you might pay a premium on the holiday, you don’t have the hassle of parking or driving for 3 hours, like you would departing from Gatwick. In fact, I went to work on the day we flew, saving a day of annual leave.

Airport Development Fund

If your flight leaves on time, Norwich is actually perfect all round – the airport has a little duty free shop, a restaurant and a bar, so you can easily while away the time until departure.

However, if your flight is delayed (as often happens) it quickly becomes a bit of a prison. There are only so many times you can walk around.

Now, I understand it’s a small airport, but for goodness knows how long, every passenger leaving from Norwich has had to pay a £5 towards an airport development fund – but nothing much has changed or improved.

It aggrieves me because passengers already pay a premium to go from Norwich and they will actually stop you from boarding if you don’t pay up. And nothing ever develops.

This time, on the way out, I gave the airport benefit of the doubt, thinking that maybe they have improved passport control on the way back. Alas, they haven’t. It’s still just two people checking all the passengers.

But, grumble as I may, I still like using NWI. It is so much less stress than flying from Stansted or Gatwick, especially on the way back, and the staff are very friendly – for those reasons I thoroughly recommend using Norwich Airport for your next holiday.


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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