Getting fit at the Sportspark

Like most people, I will happily hold my hands up and say that I spent a little bit too much time eating, drinking and watching TV over the Christmas period and very little time doing any exercise.

In fact, the most exercise I’ve had over the past two weeks was walking to the fridge to see if there was any chocolate left.

But as of the 1st January, all that has changed – I’m on a healthy eating routine and I’m intending to get more exercise. Not only have I been going for walks, but I’ve also returned to the gym. Shocking as it sounds, but I intend to make this resolution last too.

I’m currently a member at the Sportspark at the UEA in Norwich, but it’s got so much more than a gym, so I shouldn’t get bored!

Classes and courts

Before I changed jobs and couldn’t make it, I used to really enjoy the step aerobics class on Tuesday evenings. Step aerobics is great fun and hard work, so you really burn the calories if you give it your all. My only advice is turn up early – these classes are always oversubscribed because they’re such a good workout!

The courts are great too because you can play sports against other people. I’ve had a couple of 90 minute sessions on the badminton courts over the last couple of weeks and I’ve found it quite therapeutic. Not only that, but because I’m stupidly competitive, I work harder playing badminton than I would at the gym.

There are also, I’m reliably informed, football pitches, squash courts, athletics equipment and tennis courts. I have yet to visit any of these, but I could always give them a try if I start getting bored with the gym and badminton.

A good incentive

Now, before you think I’m getting all boring and forgetting about the important stuff, I want to mention the Sportspark restaurant. It serves very nice meals at reasonable prices, so if you want to have something to eat after your workout, I recommend it (especially their curries!). If you’re planning to meet friends for the workout, it can be an added incentive.

Becoming a basic member at the Sportspark is quite cost effective too – I only pay £5 a month and it covers my entry fee and allows me to book courts over the phone. As such, I only pay for what I use, which is perfect; because I work away quite often, I couldn’t justify signing up for their higher levels of membership and would probably end up feeling guilty about wasting money.

I will try to keep you updated with my healthy regime, although you’ll have to forgive me if I fall off the wagon and never mention it again!


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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