Gifts for the home

inNorfolk | Gifts for the home
Alessi Reindeer

I will apologise from the outset for any weirdness in this post – this is my first foray into mobile blogging and it could all go terribly wrong!

Today’s post is all about The Perfect Pad on Lower Goat Lane in Norwich. It is located very close to Cherry Cherry, which means I have to leave my credit card at home if I intend going down there!

Perfect Pad sell lots of beautiful items for the home, from mugs to lighting and prints. Everything in there is thoroughly cool and would be the perfect talking point for any room.

Alessi Love

While bimbling around their website (very naughty) I found a gorgeous Alessi Christmas figurine. It’s very fun and would look lovely in my living room!
I’ve always had a thing for the Italian brand Alessi, because it’s a bit quirky, but still practical. It’s also a tad pricey, but because it raises a smile is worth the investment.

Perfect Pad stocks all manner of Alessi products, so you’ve been warned!


Hi, I'm Lucy. I've lived in Norfolk since 2001 and in that time I've grown to love this fine county. From the city of Norwich, to the countryside villages and sweeping coastline, there's so much to explore and hope to share my experiences with you here.

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